Book Review: The Secret World Of Self-Employment
My name is Terri Pattio. I am happy to be sharing my review of a book by my good friend Tom Riach. In my humble opinion, I believe it’s a must for people to read this book. That is why I decided to give this review about his book so you can make an informed decision to get your copy today by clicking the image below.
First thing I want to do is tell you a little about the author Tom Riach. I have known him for what seems like forever. I have come to know him very well and know what type of person he is.
Tom is a caring, helpful and experienced individual and his willingness to help everyone be successful. His success record is validated by many people that have recognized his level of expertise.
His mastery and writing talents are obvious to me. He has a way of expressing his thoughts and conveying his message in a clear and simple way for you to understand so that you can reap the rewards of his experience and knowledge.
In his early twenties Tom’s independent spirit and drive saw him quickly become self-employed. He set up, acquired and operated a string of small businesses; then help others to do likewise. He excelled hands-on consultant to the self-employed and to owners of family enterprises; then to major companies and organizations.
Tom also hosts personal and business guidance courses for guests in the calm and tranquility of his Portuguese home.
Tom’s has divided his book up into three parts. He refers to each part as book 1, 2 and 3.
Book 1 is titled “FREEDOM! – Striking out on your own”
Book 2 is titled “ACTION! -Small Steps for Giant Gains”
Book 3 is titled “REWARD! – How To Be A Self-Employed Super Star”
Let’s begin with Book One since it’s your guidance for getting started on working for yourself. There are 9 chapters in book one. All 9 chapters are beneficial, however I going to focus on chapter 4 which he appropriately titled “Do you know who you are? He talks about interviewing yourself in order to find out how you really measure up to the task of working for yourself. He discusses the outcome of your interview and gives you some options on what to do if you should fail or pass your interview.
I felt chapter 4 is relevant to give you a reason/incentive to purchase this book and give it a good read, I’m compelled to highlight chapter 8 titled “The Three of Me.
Me 1 is the owner or shareholder of the business.
Me 2 is the MD (Managing Director) of the company.
Me 3 is the sole employee of the company.
When the business is healthy it will be able to provide Me 1 with a good investment and regular income. In other words, look after the business and it will look after you.
Moving right along to Book 2 and it’s simply titled ACTION!
I really love how he titles each book so you know what to expect in each chapter. He readily gives you what you’re expecting in each chapter. This excites me because it makes me want to read all the chapters right away. I have to let you know, I’m a fan of all his books. I find this one book is timely and will be a benefit for all people especially now because of the COVID-19 pandemic, people can take the time to read and absorb it and become a self-employed individual.
The two chapters I found very beneficial are 10 and 11. In chapter 11 he discusses “Winning Ways.” Throughout the book Tom shares his Power Points and this one I’m about to share is one I have known for quite some time.
POWER POINT: “The perfect business should provide the maximum income from the least effort.”
That is the meat of it right there and my beliefs as well. You learn this principle and you’re well on your way to being a self-employed individual. I recommend this book highly because I believe what Tom is saying because of my experiences in business and what I have learned from my mentors in the past. You know the saying “Experience is the best teacher” and that’s what you’ll get. His experience and knowledge all wrapped up in one book by Tom Riach.
Moving right along to Book three titled REWARD!
How to be a self-employed super star
Chapter 17 is the one I put in the spotlight. I really like the title “The Simple Millionaire”
All of the POWER POINTS in his book are magnificent and should be taken to heart.
I will share a couple of them with you from this chapter and I hope you will take the initiative to get this powerful book today.
Successful entrepreneurs never buy then sell, they first sell and then buy! This is a simple philosophy and is so powerful that it goes over the head of the majority of people.
POWER POINT – Buy only at absolute rock bottom dollar.
POWER POINT – Be ruthless in business but generous in life.
Once you have read this chapter you will understand his entire message to you throughout the book. Everything in this book I know to be true because this is how I personally operate my business. Every word in this book I can validate. I have branded my name on the internet, just do a google search on my name and you’ll see me there.
I guarantee you will not regret your small investment. Tom’s book is priceless and you MUST have it in your collection of books. Don’t hesitate just click the banner image below to get it now.
Well that’s it for now and I highly recommend that you make a decision to get Tom’s book today.
One last thing before I go, I recommend that you visit Tom Riach profile page on my site Syndication Express. I recommend that you check out his many blog posts on my site while you’re there as well. If you liked this post, please comment below and share my post on your favorite social media sites.
Respectfully yours,